Our 4-in-1 Service Package

We offer a 4 in 1 package which includes a q-assist Program, Free Loan Finding Service and a Full Credit Report and legal advice services. This affordable package is available for R390.00 once-off and a recurring membership fee.

Our 4-in-1 Service Package offers you the following benefits. A comprehensive credit report, q-assist program as well as a free loan lending service as well as legal advice services. You can use our services as long your debit order is paid every month.

Comprehensive Credit Report

As part of our 4-in-1 Service Package, we offer a comprehensive creit report.

Your credit report will contain the following information:

1. Personal information
2. Summary of all accounts
3. Summary of all loans
4. Summary of all searches done


1. You'll know your credit rating
2. Be informed about bad credits
3. Have a shield between you and creditors
4. Be protected as a consumer

Q-Assist Program

As part of the 4-in-1 Service Package, we offer our clients a range of referral services.

Legal Assist

As part of our offering we offer legal advice to all our members. Legal advice can cost you large sums of money and we take this burden off you. Often people do not know what their rights are and find it daunting to access the right legal channels to resolve disputes. This leads to many people ignoring their legal problems, in the hope that it will go away. Or they simply hope it won’t happen to them. Research reveals that 9 out of 10 people will need legal assistance in their lifetime, but when considering that the Court only finalizes about 55% of its cases within a year and on average, litigation attorneys charge over R2000 per hour, it becomes clear that most people are left without recourse.

1. 24 hour emergency legal advice helpline
2. Civil matters advice
3. Criminal matters advice
4. Family matters advice
5. Labour matters advice
6. Lease agreements - Drawing up of agreements
7. Sales agreements - Drawing up of agreements
8. AOD - Drawing up of agreements
9. Wills - Drawing up of agreements
10. Lawyer referral